To Join contact Francesco on:
or 07900117836
An opportunity to celebrate the first stirrings of new life this Imbolc, in a warm welcoming setting, nurturing inner peace and harmony, through a balance of chanting, mantras, harmonic fun songs & vocal exploration.
As winter starts to give way to spring, halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, it's an exciting time that in Celtic customs celebrates Bridghe's Day at this time of the year; feel free to bring any material for making Bridghe's Crosses, braiding sweetgrass, and of course a good feast (Feel free to bring some food to share!)
When we gather to sing/chant together, we give a rest to our minds (MANTRA literally means “freeing the mind”) enabling our body essence to relax, de-stress, recharge and feel part of a deeper peaceful resonance with ourselves and with others. After some warm-ups we will be sharing harmonic songs & mantra for healing as well as simple 2 or 3 parts harmony songs from a variety of traditions. (As well as some of my own new exciting polyphonic creations!)
No previous singing experience required, just a desire and willingness to explore your voice, body and mind, by opening and experiencing an hearth-filled intentional space
There is a suggested contribution of £8-15 to go toward reciprocity for the space, preparation time & some food to share (Please do not let this be a barrier for you to come!)
About the Facilitator
Francesco Benvenuti will hold the ceremony.
He loves bringing both his talent and love for chanting, music and mantra songs as well as the experience accumulated over his training, travels and adventure across Central & South America, and Australasia, and spending time with Indigenous tribes, numerous teachers and learning how to pray to welcome Magic and flow into our life.
Hear a snippet of some of Francesco’s Mantra music here
Francesco is a passionate Shiatsu Massage Practitioner, Embodiment Coach, Singing voice facilitator, Ceremonial space holder and a Carrier of the Sacred Fire.He composes his own songs which he loves sharing in a variety of ceremonial settings and festival. (see more about Francesco’s work here :
Occasionally, Francesco’s partner Katie will join these sessions to co-hold a mantra singing prayer space (together Francesco and Katie are part of of a Ceremonial Chanting Duo “The-Inner-Cheile” ( . Katie works as a dedicated environmental educator and activist, with a background in eco-therapy, ceremonial work, shamanic training, reiki, poetry and music.