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Beltane, Birch & Brehon Laws - Community Gathering in Roslyn Glen!

Co-facilitated by storysingers:  Cáit O’Neill, Francesco Benvenuti & Dougie McKay 

Bealtaine is a time of renewal, fertility and fae folk. Community would come together to walk the bó (cows) through the bonfire. In this specially curated day, we will embody the key elements of Beltaine, supported by lore, stories, herbal knowledge and sacred fire. 


  • Celtic Lore  & Storytelling

  • Elemental Walk 

  • Faerie offerings & blessings 

  • Herbal wisdom & nettle milk

  • Voice work & vocal release

  •  Optional nettle + birch bashing - Oils + smells + tea

  • Sacred fire purification and intention making for the season ahead 


Bealtaine is a potent time & this workshop will support in raising vitality and energy, attuned to the summer cycle.

It is also a time to remember the Brehon Laws, rooting us in reciprocity with the land and appeasing the faerie folk. Unusually we will be connecting with Birch, but all will become clear on the day. Nettle will be joining us too, in multiple forms. 

Together we will open a sacred space, welcoming in benevolent beings, magic and inspiration that flows through these ancient lands.  We will create and vocalise our own nature blessings, sacred word and incantation, culminating in an  “inner handfasting”  to honour and marry the energies of the May Queen and the Green man we all carry within, and collectively. 

Free, community co-created additional camping the night before available - Saturday 6th May. Limited spaces, please get in touch for details & logistics. 

(**** Including fireside stories, songs, ceremony & music to feel refreshed & renewed by the Spring energies.

Disclaimer (Please Note):

The event will involve walking on slightly steep slopes, at a slow pace, to truly savour the wonders of the blooming Roslyn Glen forest, along bluebell fields and rushing rivers.

By attending this event you agree to take full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing, your belongings and any young or vulnerable people with you.

Walking,  dancing or being active outdoors includes various risks such as tripping, bumping into things and getting lost! Please wear sturdy,  weather appropriate footwear and clothing, and bring a torch for when it gets dark. Please take care of your health including checking in with a  doctor that you're fit enough and bringing any medication if necessary.   Please make us aware of any serious health concerns. We will send a more detailed liability waiver in an email nearer the time.  Please make sure you read and agree to the terms. Thanks!

6 May

Co-created community campout (& Despacho fire ceremony) for Bealtaine full moon.

11 May

Hawtorn, Heart and Faery lore